Expanding Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs

Event Date:- Jun 21, 2024
Event Time:- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM IST

Event Description:

In India, the entrepreneurial landscape is particularly diverse. Urban centers are witnessing a surge in innovation-driven women entrepreneurs, supported by a thriving startup ecosystem. The 'Women

in India's Startup Ecosystem Report' (WISER) reveals that women-led startups have increased to 18% over the past five years. However, this growth is primarily seen in urban areas, where resources and opportunities are more accessible.

Societal norms and gender biases often restrict women's ability to fully participate in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. To address these issues, efforts must be concentrated on equalizing opportunities for high-impact women entrepreneurs, aiding solo entrepreneurs and small business owners to scale up, broadening access for more women to initiate businesses, and enhancing the capabilities of successful rural agricultural entrepreneurs.

The Indian government has implemented several policies and initiatives to bolster women entrepreneurship. The Mahila e-Haat, an initiative under the Ministry of Women and Child Development, offers a unique direct online marketing platform to support women entrepreneurs

and SHGs. The Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP) by NITI Aayog was introduced to bring together women from different parts of India, providing them with unified access to information, support, and mentoring. Additionally, the Rural Women Entrepreneurship Development Program under NRLM aims to develop entrepreneurial skills among rural women, providing them with sustainable livelihood opportunities. The National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) has piloted

the Women Entrepreneur Financial Empowerment Program (WEFEP) in the three states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan to support women entrepreneurs with access to credit across 16 districts in these states. These initiatives are not only empowering women but are also pivotal in driving inclusive economic development in India.

However, many potential beneficiaries remain unaware of these invaluable opportunities, while those who do seek out these resources are often deterred by opaque and cumbersome application processes. This inefficiency has led some banks to phase out these initiatives. It is imperative to intensify and expand efforts to ensure that supportive measures are not only accessible but actively leveraged by those they are designed to help. The webinar on “Augmenting Opportunities for

Women Entrepreneurs” will shed light on these areas and provide an opportunity for the participants to share their idea and exchange views.

Key Discussion Points:

 Scaling Up Women Led Startups

 Approaches for Levelling the Playing Field

 Government Initiatives and Their Utilization

 Outreach Programs and Support Initiatives 

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