
Purpose/Key Objectives of the Job

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Effectively lead CSR initiatives as per Company’s policy and guidelines of Companies Act.

To Enhance the Company’s image as an active and strong influence and leader of change  in the community, across Industry and Government with respect to CSR and Corporate Governance. To increase the ESG quotient of the Company from branding perspective.


•   Develop effective CSR implementable work plans/initiatives in alignment with ANI CSR policy, business requirement & resource utilisation

•   Faciliating CSR Committee meetings of Board

•   Conduct quarterly programme and financial reviews of CSR Projects

•   Regular monitor CSR projects and organise  impact evaluation of flagship CSR Projects as and when required

•   Effectiveness & utilisation of the CSR budget as per compliance

•   Liaise, communicate, network and partner with relevant stakeholders including government, media and civil society organizations in addition to internal stakeholders.

•   Identify suitable NGO/INGO/skill training implementation partners to successfully implement CSR programme.

•   Lead Employee volunteering programme across all sites and offices

•   Document CSR newsletter, Quarterly/Annual Report, Case Studies, Award applications, etc.

Job Requirements

Essential educational qualifications, relevant experience and requested skills.

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